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Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

Neither is tyres, Brit.

They're rubber things that go on wheels. ;)

Posted on 2004-07-16 22:43:59


I said some people, Alex, not some companies. While Mercedes (give or take a Diana-related incident) make reasonably safe cars, it's clear SOMEONE in the safety department was dozing on the day they made the A-Class.

And Sweden OR the Netherlands, does it matter to anyone other than the moose? So I couldn't be bothered to properly check whether my memory of where the test took place was correct: the test still took place and the A-Class still failed it.

And given the prospect of a split-second death colliding with a moose or flipping over many times while my head is repeatedly smashed against the roof of a car, I think I'll take my chances with the moose.

Posted on 2004-07-16 23:02:59


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

And yes, I know meese isn't a proper word. But it should be.

I agree.

Goose is to Geese as Moose is to Meese.

It makes sense. :)

Posted on 2004-07-17 00:43:36


I dunno, Int. Moose are perfectly designed to cause driving fatalities. Often they actually slide up onto the hood of the car and crash through the windshield. It's just about the worst animal you can hit.

Posted on 2004-07-17 02:43:15 (last edited on 2004-07-17 02:43:41)


Does a pet rock count as an animal?

Posted on 2004-07-30 13:08:26

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