jwinmaped2's fate?
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Is aen still working on this, or is he focusing his attention to Verge3 stuff now? :D I read in his livejournal that he lost all his work on it in a hard disk failure, but since then there was no word on whether it was discontinued or not. The reason I'm asking is because I'm considering porting my main project to Verge3 for the simple fact that Maped3 rocks(but then again I'd have a ton of code to port). I was seriously able to create maps and entity/event code in Maped3 atleast 3 times as fast as I could in Maped2 in this compo due to its awesome interface. jwinmaped2 seemed a lot like Maped3 from what I saw earlier, and if aen's still working on it then that gives me more reason to stick with Verge2 and not go through the painful process of porting...

Posted on 2004-04-12 21:36:36

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I can't speak for aen, but I haven't heard anything as of yet of him starting on rewriting it. I know aen was looking at HD recovery services for a while, but I recall they were all quite expensive.

Uhh so I guess he'll have to answer. But I havent heard anything about it being restarted.

Posted on 2004-04-12 22:57:09

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Hmm. Well, after lots of consideration, I decided porting to Verge3 would be the best move. It's crazy how much easier it is to develop for Verge3.

Posted on 2004-04-14 17:43:44

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Can't say I'm not a bit happy to hear that, but yeah. ;) I know porting is a pain in the ass, and also, the whole thing about jwinmaped2's loss really sucks in general. Although I have to say that maped3 turned out pretty well, it wasn't a forgone conclusion that it would so it was nice to always have jwinmaped2 as a 'backup plan', and also an alternative to people that didnt want to / couldn't install .NET, aside from being multiplatform (in theory).

But that said... I dont think any of us were all that happy with V2 even when we were developing it it. V3 has just felt so much more right every step of the way (well, since abandoning the C# experiment ^_^) and I havent been as proud of anything since we first made V1 and the original Sully demos.

Posted on 2004-04-15 04:30:26

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jwinmaped2 isn't dead, but obviously losing all of one's work can push release dates back ever so gently. ^_^

I've been focusing on my backbone library during the last month or so, large portions of which will facilitate jwinmaped2's reincarnation. It's even got a snazzy new name! No, I won't tell. :-D

As far as a release date: Couldn't say, but a couple months or so is a good bet. I'm quitting my job some time around the end of May, and that's going to open up my hours quite a bit! I thought I'd have a lot of time to start spending on jwinmaped2 and friends as the end of my employment grew near, seeing as I had planned to switch to hourly pay and ease off my hours, but somehow I'm working more hours than ever...

At any rate, I'll be glad when that responsibility is no longer dominating my life and I can progress into the ass-kicking-days-of-awesomeness part. ;-)

Posted on 2004-04-17 04:42:19

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