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Is this still knocking around? I got an EeePC with Xandros, and I'd love to tinker with VERGE again on my lunch-breaks.

Posted on 2008-01-20 05:54:03


Well, apparently it was never checked in:

So unless adderd appears on the scene and puts it up, it's probably a safe bet that we're lacking the work. Sad, eh? I'm sad about this.



Anyways, Jesse said that the mac port is 95% of a linux port. So if you're curious in starting a new linux branch, that'd probably be an ideal starting ground.

Also, as far as your sig goes: see my sig, sucka.

Posted on 2008-01-21 00:58:59


I wouldn't really have a clue where to start trying to build this thing myself, and at any rate, I reckon that there might be another way or two around it. One way on another, I'll get VERGE onto this thing, by hook, by crook or by winE :)

And sadly, my .sig must be preserved as is for historical reasons. It's practically a local landmark.

Impressive work though.

Posted on 2008-01-22 04:43:28 (last edited on 2008-01-22 05:17:51)


Just thought I'd add my voice to the choir: I want a Linux version of VERGE too. And for exactly the same reason! I've got an Eee PC on order from (it arrives February 7th, hopefully) and I'd like to get down to some work on it without having to constantly stomp back to my PC just to check it works.

So yes, if it exists upload it. If it doesn't, make it.

There is, of course, always the Wine emulator but right now -- my expertise in all things Linux being utterly woeful -- I haven't the first idea how THAT'S going to work.

Posted on 2008-01-23 18:18:32


Maped doesn't seem to work, but VERGE.EXE runs under winE. It's far from perfect though. The audio stutters a bit

My own "100 Zombies" demo is slow. But then that thing was so badly optimised it was laughable. Sully glitches occasionally but appears to be playable.

I had to edit xorg.cfg to put the desktop into 16bpp mode. It won't go as high as 32bpp. It's 24bpp by default and Verge doesn't like that.

You're also best to run VERGE off of an external SD card/USB key. It doesn't do a lot of writing, but it's better to take wear and tear off the internal SSD where-ever possible. You'd probably have to do a lot of SYSTEM.XVC recompilation and logging to do any damage, but better safe than sorry, and having VERGE on an external card makes for easier swapping between desktop and laptop anyway.

I wonder just what I'd have to do to get VERGE to compile on Linux anyway?

Posted on 2008-01-24 01:40:42 (last edited on 2008-01-24 08:12:58)


Some mainly useful advice, but.. Avoid wear and tear on the SSD? It's not THAT fragile, surely? It's got no moving parts for starters.

I have a USB flash drive that's seen more than it's fair share of work over the last six years and that's still as good as the day I bought it.

Still, if all this Linux jiggery pokery fails, I can always just reformat the drive and install XP. Wahey, there's progress for you!

Posted on 2008-01-26 07:38:18


Nah, it's probably sound as a pound, but given that the thing is soldered to the motherboard and the SD-card isn't, it just makes sense to keep from using it when there's a perfectly acceptable alternative.

Man, Wine is pretty crap at running VERGE.

Posted on 2008-01-26 10:15:50 (last edited on 2008-01-26 10:16:25)

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