Long overdue Zeux's world question
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Is there any point in getting 100% in every stage?

Posted on 2004-04-06 07:15:52


Yes, yes there is.

Posted on 2004-04-06 07:17:40


at 100% and beyond, all cheats become available to read at your leisure.

Posted on 2004-04-06 07:21:24


Ah, ok. But some of these stages are damn near impossible to get all the coins/gems. Or maybe I just suck.

Posted on 2004-04-06 07:27:09


You just suck :D
I've gotten the max score.... twice!

Posted on 2004-04-06 13:11:37


You did it by making a special build of VERGE that let you cheat! :D

Posted on 2004-04-06 13:14:15


lol... I guess everyone has a different way of maximizing their potential :P

Posted on 2004-04-06 15:11:03


Cheating is in the eye of the beholder. I prefer to think of it as 'maximizing my use of time'.

Posted on 2004-04-06 16:59:32

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