mac version?
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I'm developing something for the Chinese Dept. here at University of Hawaii at Manoa and I've kinda sorta promised that it will be cross platform. As a result, I'm very curious when the newest build of Verge3 will be available mac-side. Who has done the mac build in the past? I don't know much about building executables on a mac, but if I can help to get it done, I will.

BTW, if anyone's curious in my project, the most recent version is here:

Posted on 2007-08-26 18:00:05


It is in the works, no worries. I need to check it over to make sure that it's not got anything badly broken.

Posted on 2007-08-26 18:17:05


cool, thanks!

Posted on 2007-08-26 18:24:41


IkimashoZ, your program is awesome so far! Really professional looking. I've mastered my 'ba' discrimination. I'm looking forward to the rest of it.

Curious to know how you're gonna do pronunciation though, does Verge accept Microphone input?

Posted on 2007-08-27 04:15:03


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed playing what I've got so far. =D

Verge doesn't accept mic input (to my knowledge), but the pronunciation section is not intended as a test of your own pronunciation, but rather as a section that gives examples of the pronunciations of different consonants, vowels and diphthongs in mandarin chinese.

Since it's for a prof, and I'm anxious for paying work, I'll be chugging along right through this thing in the hopes that my next project will be paid. =P

Posted on 2007-08-27 15:31:37

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