maped3 drag bug...
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I need a crash dump and possibly a test map from someone who gets the Drag-Outside-TheWindow crash when using drag tools. I'm in the process of hunting out this bug, but its not something ive been able to recreate!

Posted on 2004-09-06 01:47:54


There is no crash dump from this drag-outside-of-map-edit-region error, since it completely halts MapEd3. Perhaps the screen resolution has a part to do with this? I use 800x600 res and get the problem. I can't try 1024x768, because unfortunately my monitor can't handle it. Just see if maybe it's dependant on the screen resolution.

Posted on 2004-09-06 03:21:58


It does it with 1024x768 too, exactly the same.

Posted on 2004-09-06 13:48:17

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