Mode 7 / SoM's Flammie style perspective map
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What's the status of Grand Magic, zaril? I find myself unsually enthused about that particular project, based largely on the quality of your tech demos.

Posted on 2005-08-30 03:57:05


oh.. erm. well. err.. to be honest, it's not looking like it's going anywhere to be honest. all it is, is a bunch of working code. no story, no more sprites/graphic than what you've seen and no plans.

mainly the project died because i don't have corey as a tile/sprite artist, since he's working with other things and has university to think off, and the fact that i don't want any other artist for graphics really slows the whole process.

it's him or no one right now, so basically i'm just extending my engine all the time. it's all pretty cool as it is, i'll probably code the battle-system without any more graphics as well.

Posted on 2005-08-30 11:02:23

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