Needed: 'case'- or 'switch'-style statements
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Hello community...

I have just recently looked through Verge and am trying to learn it to help out with some projects.

One thing I see sorely lacking that would help almost every demo I've seen *SO* much is the inclusion of Java-like or C++-like switch or case statements.

So instead of having ridiculous if-blocks, for example:

int amount = cost;

if(amount = a) {
} else if(amount = c) {
} else if(amonut = e) {
} etc etc etc...

You can code the following:

switch (amount) {
a: b;
c: d;
e: f;
etc etc etc...

So much cleaner. If there is already Verge functionality similar to this that I am not aware of, please someone let know. Also can someone tell me how to tab text on this message board, so my pseudocode above is actually readable? Thanks for reading!

Posted on 2004-05-06 17:46:06

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