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Hello, guys. I'm new to the forums and would just like to greet myself. Anyway, I was wondering if I should make a standard RPG or an action-RPG first.

If I were to make a standard RPG, where should I start?

Posted on 2007-01-03 00:14:56

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A good question! Unfortunately there aren't many good sample games I can point to in V3, though if you look at some of the historical Demo Alarms you'll find some examples of battle system and menu code. The first thing you want to do is become familiar with VC, I imagine. I'd recommend making some testing maps to just play around with the various methods of event activation and the like, then gradually building the game system on top of that. Sully has a number of general-purpose functions you might find useful for this, though I'm not sure how much of that was in the last release.

Posted on 2007-01-03 16:12:40

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I wrote this up earlier, and I was wondering if this sounds good as a barebones timeline for an RPG. I can't give explanations to some terms here, because it is a barebones timeline. Assume that the start of the RPG is at the onset of the Nezvalar siege.

GA: Gaian Age (Refers to the period of time from the creation of Gran Gaia to the arrival of God, counts down towards the arrival)
DG: Descent of God (Refers to the period of time from God's arrival to the Ragnarok Crisis)
RA: Ragnarok Aftermath (Refers to the period of time from the end of the Ragnarok Crisis to present day)

??? GA Creation of Gran Gaia

10000 GA Origin point for human history

9700 GA First contact between humans and sprites

9000 GA First human civilization constructed, known as "Origin City" in modern Common language

8500 GA Human civilization expands beyond Origin City over next 100 years, colonizing all of Gran Gaia

8300 GA First human war begins - outside colonies rebel against Origin City over rights of self-governance

8290 GA Origin City calls off war, recognizes sovereign authority of the colonies
Gaian Council formed, trade routes intermediated

7500 GA Gaian magic discovered during sprite covenant, researched by humans to improve human society

7000 GA Magic Wars begin - humans use magic as weapons of war

6500 GA Sprites force an end to the Magic Wars
Laws of Magic established to prevent repeat of Magic Wars

5000 GA Origin City becomes historical city and global capitol, regional governments outsourced to colonies
Mage Guilds form within individual colonies

3500 GA Beginning of guild age and guild commerce, Guild Council formed within the Gaian Council

3000 GA Guild Wars begin - guild attempt to expand influence, sometimes with violence

2950 GA Guild Wars end with arrangements between the Guild Council and Gaian Council

1500 GA First appearance of demihumans within colonies

1000 GA Covenant of Zion established
Escalation of hate crimes against demihumans

200 GA Covenant of Zion violently secedes from Gaian Council, declares demihumans unfit to live on Gran Gaia

50 GA Demihuman delegates assassinated by Covenant of Zion radicals

15 GA Gaian Council constitution amended to grant human rights to demihumans
Covenant of Zion declares overt war on Gaian Council

0 GA Arrival of God
Origin City decimated

0 DG Covenant of Zion begins campaign for global domination, Reverend Zion elevated to Pope status

15 DG First appearance of D Cells, also known as the Virus

30 DG Covenant of Zion uses D Cells as weapon of war; human and demihuman casualties staggering

50 DG Start of Ragnarok Crisis
God becomes manifest, leads charge for final eradication of demihumans

0 RA End of Ragnarok Crisis
Forbidden Land Elysium established, Guardian Seal erected to keep God locked away

100 RA Demihuman population eclipses human population, making humans a minority in all Gaian territories

250 RA Gaian Council re-established for the first time since God's arrival, demihumans and a few humans taking critical seats

500 RA Child born to Gaian human family begins exhibiting God-like mindset at young age, promptly terminated
Godslayers established to stem God's exultance

4950 RA Bacchus is born in Zion territory

4970 RA Bacchus confirmed as incarnation of God
First failure of Godslayers in history of organization - Bacchus remains alive despite Godslayer intervention

4975 RA Godslayers killed in second attack on Bacchus, new group trained immediately

4985 RA Second group of Godslayers apprehended, executed in public display

4995 RA Bacchus declares overt war against new Gaian Council

4996 RA Fort Eiswald established by Covenant
Gaia's Spine seized and converted into Covenant concentration camp

4997 RA Efforts to reclaim Gaia's Spine unsuccessful
Aquaria Peninsula seized by Covenant forces

4998 RA Berellia Plains seized by Covenant forces
Operation Siddim commenced

4999 RA Rugeria Steppes, Nulmis Forest, Mount Vulcan seized by Covenant forces as part of Siddim
First appearance of the Virus since the Ragnarok Crisis ended
Covenant soldiers begin Siddim siege to claim temple in the heart of the Nezvalar Stormlands

Posted on 2007-01-05 04:08:25

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Looks good, I never thought of making my barebone plot through a historical timeline, very ingenious. I like it, it looks very promising! But be warned, this was the easy part and the part I like the most.... the rest is a pain in my opinion. -_-

But don't give up, you have a good start. :o)

Posted on 2007-01-06 22:54:30

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Funky little writing tip for you which, apparently, worked quite well for Joe Straczynski of Babylon 5 (which, by the way, is really rather good) fame:

Flesh out your characters as far as you can bear. Note down their favourite colours, what they have for breakfast, whether they were bullied at school etc. Construct characters that are cohesive enough and you'll soon find them writing for themselves: you'll know them so well that major speeches and characters' responses to situations will come naturally rather than require several hours of pencil chewing and frantic pacing.

Posted on 2007-01-07 18:25:15

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Ah, Babylon 5. My favorite sci-fi show of all time. I still think they should remake all five seasons and do everything exactly the same except this time hire actors who actually have talent. Although I don't suppose it matters who you put in the Vorlon encounter suit.

That was off topic. Like I already said APZ, it looks like you've done a great deal of thinking about this universe, now you just need to get the system fleshed out.

Posted on 2007-01-07 19:03:38

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Hey, Londo and G'Kar and Lorien were all played well!

I've just started rewatching the series myself. So good.

Posted on 2007-01-07 23:47:07

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Well, a little more progress was done. I now have a character for the game. For now, I'll leave you all with this.

Posted on 2007-01-09 00:36:07

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Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Hey, Londo and G'Kar and Lorien were all played well!
I've just started rewatching the series myself. So good.

I'll agree to that.

Keep up the good work, APZ!

Posted on 2007-01-09 19:14:02

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