Old LIFE V1 'complete' demo
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Hey all ^_-

I finally decided to redo LIFE when V3 will be there... For now and just because I saw that the Life demo that is in the 'games' V1 download section have a lot of missing files, meaning crach or somethings like that..

So I've just upload the good zip file on the V1 games downloads... (or u can dowload it at this old LIFE site :
www.multimania.com/Gurv/ )

I've tried it with winverge.exe under winXP , but it crachedjust after 2 min of playing during an event.

So ARF !!!

Please enjoy 'old' feeling with it :) !

See you soon for more news about LIFE V3 ( when I'll understand aproximately when it'll be released, since Im a little frenchie with some notion in english hum... so I've some trouble he )

OUF !!

-Gurvy !!

Posted on 2004-02-23 00:39:15

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