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... and then a year and a half passed... Had a baby, moved again, and then got busy and lazy at the same time.

But now I feel the itch, and I'm back. Primarily to continue work on the FF2/4j engine I was working on. Unfortunately my VergeC skills have dropped back down to nil - so I'm going to work on another simple project first to get my sea legs back.

What's been going on around here? Any new massive upgrades to the Verge engine? Anything cool I should know about?


Posted on 2007-04-03 15:36:36


Welcome back Gleznov! The only noteworthy news I can think is that maped is being worked on again.... did it stop again though? I haven't heard an update in a while. Hmmmm.

Anyway, sucks that you came back at a dead time for verge. Why don't you pass by the kitten picture thread! =)

Posted on 2007-04-11 22:45:07


Dead? More quiet. Y'all can help change that, though. ;)

As for new features, there's a fully compiled work-in-progress build of v3 available at:

Which has a bunch of new features over the old one in the sidebar. The features are listed in:

(anonymous/anonymous to log in)

Posted on 2007-04-12 05:53:54

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