Possibility of in-Verge editors?
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I have been using Torque2d lately, before I found Verge, and find it interesting that all of their tools are made directly in the engine itself.

Now I know that there's probably already people working on new tools, since the old ones are quite...buggy, but I wondered if it would even be possible to create an editor in Verge. I don't know if the formats are documented or not, but it seems like the general idea of a tilemap (in theory) is an array containing each tile's art, and information regarding obstruction, and entities. That should be about it, right?

Chr editing seems like it would be harder, but I tend to oversimplify things in my head. Anyway, a graphical animator would be far better than 'F1W3F2W3F3W3F2W3' and so on, in my opinion. Look at AGS's 'view' animations, for example. They're just drag-and-drop, frames are re-orderable and sortable, and generally much easier to work with than VopenChr, and miles ahead of the command line tools.

Sorry if its been suggested before, but it seems like a superb idea to me. *shrugs*

Posted on 2006-07-19 12:15:05

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Yeah I suggested it before. I'll give you the same answer I got basically. You want it - you code it. VERGE is perfectly workable as is and may be slow I agree but people want to make games not tools for making games.

Anyway I'm too much of a beginner to start thinking about making tools.

Posted on 2006-07-20 07:37:25

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Actually, the idea of having resource editors in-engine is something I've been pushing towards. Overkill's been adding the necessary functionality to allow it, but he may've stalled out a bit.

Posted on 2006-07-20 09:09:18

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I'd be happy to give it a go, once I get a little more familiar with the basics. There's just too many bugs in Torque for now, so I've given up on my t2d projects for the moment (it uses d3d for rendering 2d objects, causing weird texture crawl and stuff).

Mainly, since I think it will make my game go faster, in the long run.

My main question was is it possible now? And does anyone have info on the resource formats?

Posted on 2006-07-20 12:20:40

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No, it wasn't possible, because Verge doesn't have zlib support accessible to VergeC. I'm sure nobody wants to write their own zlib decompression library in VergeC. If Verge3 didn't use this for compression, things would have been an easy dig-around. But even then, slow as hell.

I've managed to add functions which save and compile vsp/map/chr files, but the actual interfacing with formats through VergeC stil requires a lot. I wrote myself a big to-do, which needs to be completed someday.

// Overkill (2006-07-07): The todo line begins here.
// * make entity.hot(x/y/w/h) writable
// int ObstructionTilesToImage()
// int EntityFrameToImage()
// void CopyImageToEntityFrame(int image)
// int AddLayer(int width, int height);
// void ResizeLayer(int layer, int width, int height);
// void RemoveLayer(int layer_index);
// int AddZone();
// void RemoveZone(int zone_index);
// void CopyTilesFromImage(int image, int obstruction_tiles, int replace_existing);
// void CopyTilesFromVSP(string vsp_file, int obstruction_tiles, int replace_existing);
// void RemoveTile(int tile_index);
// void RemoveTile(int tile_index);
// int AddVSPAnimation();
// void RemoveVSPAnimation(int vsp_animation_index);
// Map
{"3", "curmap.startup", ""},
// Layer
{"1", "layer.count", ""}, // Number of layers on the map, not an array.
{"1", "layer.name", "1"},
// Zone
{"1", "zone.count", ""}, // Number of zones on the map, not an array.
{"1", "zone.percent", "1"},
{"1", "zone.delay", "1"},
{"1", "zone.adjacent", "1"},
// VSP animations
{"1", "vspanim.count", ""}, // Number of animations on the map vsp, not an array.
{"3", "vspanim.name", "1"},
{"1", "vspanim.start", "1"},
{"1", "vspanim.finish", "1"},
{"1", "vspanim.delay", "1"},
{"1", "vspanim.mode", "1"},
// Entity/CHR things
{"3", "entity.name", "1"},
{"3", "entity.onactivate", "1"}, // Activation script
{"3", "entity.description", "1"},
{"1", "entity.idleframe", "1"}, // Idle frames for each direction.
{"3", "entity.animscript", "1"}, // Animation scripts for each direction.
{"1", "entity.autoface", "1"},

Posted on 2006-07-20 13:39:09

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