Rysen: Your Textpad Syntax Definition File
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Is it supposed to do pretty colours for operators/function names and so on like the .cpp one? It doesn't seem to do anything for me you see. :(


Posted on 2004-04-29 16:20:50


Yeah, it's supposed to do what you described.

Hmm....it works just fine for me. Did you create a New Document Class? I think .cpp is in there by default so there's no need to create a new one. If not, here's what you do:

Go to Configure->New Document Class
Call it whatever you want (I'd suggest VC)
Then in the next screen type: *.vc
In the next screen click Enable Sytnax Highlighting and choose vc3.syn from the drop down menu

And to edit all the colours you can go to
Configure->Preferences->Document Classes->VC(Or whatever you called it)->Colours
And the rest is pretty self-explanitory.

Also you might want to get the latest one from the files section. I just uploaded version 1.3 a couple of nights ago and forgot to mention it. ^_^;

Posted on 2004-04-29 18:36:42


This is going into the FAQ.

Posted on 2004-04-29 18:38:07



In that case you might want to add:

"Make sure that vc3.syn is in the 'system' folder of the directory textpad is located in."

Or something along those lines. ^_^

Posted on 2004-04-29 18:49:07


Started again and followed you helpful step-by-step, and it works now. Reckon last time I'd missed the * in *.vc so it wasn't loading at all. :D



Posted on 2004-04-30 23:03:06

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