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Isn't there a way to seed the RNG yet? I know it was posted under the known bugs topic, but that was a long time ago^^

Posted on 2004-04-19 00:45:33


Not sure what you want. The issue with random seeding was fixed several builds ago, before it was starting with the same seed every time, but its timer seeded now... this is done by the engine, theres no need for VC to set a seed?

Posted on 2004-04-19 01:53:17


Ah, but setting your own seed can be useful! Think of random dungeons or something when you want to generate something based on a seed... unless you can make a fake random number generator in VC or something, I don't know how that stuff works exactly.

Posted on 2004-04-19 02:21:13


I agree with Kilo for exactly those reasons.

Posted on 2004-04-19 02:32:30


it would definitely be useful... i would like for my game to be able to play back recorded rounds, for example :]

Posted on 2004-04-19 02:51:32 (last edited on 2004-04-19 02:51:50)

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