Serinor's Third Anniversary
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It doesn't seem like it's been that long or that much has happened since last I did this, but it's been six months, and I said I'd update today. So.

Epic of Serinor has a new official release build and can be obtained at my website's download page. Saved games from previous versions remain compatible, though some extra work is involved. Unzip this update to a new directory and read the instructions for importing save games in the included manual for specifics.

This official release is all packed up because it looks cleaner. A developer's build, which will be an unpacked version of this same thing, will be available as soon as this file gets uploaded to Tripod doesn't give me enough space to host two copies of Serinor.

As for the game itself, the largest change is simply a matter of size; with the opening of the remaining two continents, the scope of the world has nearly tripled. Not all of that is accessible or completely mapped yet, but it's all there. Also, three additional races are recruitable since the last official update: Kobolds, Orcs, and Lizardmen. I spent the last week of development visiting with my family instead of getting the Lukosians playable as I'd wanted.

In closing, I need to thank all the people who've helped me make Serinor into what it is today. Syn is responsible for any monster that looks at all decent, just as CM Dratz is the one behind the look of the world maps. Poor Gayo continues to help with the massive number of .chr's that Serinor requires, a decision I think he often regrets. Also, our newest addition, Wyvern, has taken on the grueling task of actually filling all that empty space in Serinor's world maps, as well as tackling city and dungeon maps alongside Dratz. I may be the guiding force, but these are the people who supply the actual drive; without them, Serinor would not be even a shadow of what it is today, and I cannot thank them enough.

Posted on 2007-09-05 14:55:41


Hi folks,
I've started to play the new version now, as my current party has about 12 hours on it. It has just made it to Castle Ereli[...well, it has it in mind to horde its Serinor lore, and let y'all play and find out what the rest of the name is for yourselves].
I have to compliment you for having again mentioned, and thanked each person who has in some way helped helped you with your project.

Posted on 2007-09-07 16:54:53 (last edited on 2007-09-07 16:58:50)


Congrats! Good job, let's aim for the fourth anniversary release!

Posted on 2007-09-08 20:48:16


I have to say, Eldritch, you and your team have put together a really impressive game.
I remember trying your first release but quickly putting it down because of the initial difficulty.

This time, however, I stuck it out and got over the hump. (hump == bandit cave at the very beginning) And I'm very glad I did. It reminds me of the first Final Fantasy game, but with more variety, intrigue and awesome. Also more race relations.

Keep up the good work, you guys!

Posted on 2007-09-11 20:57:56

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