String theory and V³ .2
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My plans for global domination have been put off until I get back from Spokane next week, so I've uploaded a much improved ILL. Run verge.exe to see text input via keyboard including special characters and you can even have it Log() whatever you type to paste elsewhere.

From the readme:
Added Norwegian, now 38 special characters total
PrintStringI() now works with variable width fonts. ¡woot!
PrintStringI() now remaps any non supported chars to ? to prevent crashing.
PrintStringI() misc speed improvements (not returning strings)
Added int TextWidthI(int font, string text)
GetStringInput() is there, but I'm not quite done with it. It does have auto-repeat and backspace.


ps: Grue, you can delete version .1 if you want, thanks.

Posted on 2004-04-03 20:54:46

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