suggestion for settile/gettile
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I have been having trouble using settile because Maped does not tell you which layer is which number, assuming you have moved them around in the process of working out how the map should be layered. If you have a dozen layers or more, it can be rather annoying to having to manually count up to figure out which layer it is in the renderstring. Also, Maped starts counting layers at 1, not 0, even though Verge starts counting at 0.

My suggestion is, instead of having settile take an integer argument to reference the layer, why not just have it take a string argument where you give the name of the layer as specified in Maped? This would be far easier to keep track of, even if Maped was changed to tell you the layer number. It would also give an actual purpose for naming your layers. :-)

EDIT: Actually, nevermind. I just realized that would totally screw up any code which was meant to control layers regardless of what map you have loaded.

I guess all that is needed is a Maped fix that will tell you next to the layer name what the index of the layer is.

Posted on 2004-05-27 00:50:08 (last edited on 2004-05-28 23:31:57)

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