Super Duper Looper Deluxe
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I put this together for testing, but it's actually pretty fun.

SuperDuperLooperDeluxe = music_test + font_test + timer_test;

Walk around the map and trigger zones that change which music loop is playing.

Also has Font Subset Deluxe, with 4 different fonts, each with 5 - 16 subsets, all handled by PrintStringDeluxe().

Posted on 2004-04-25 11:48:05


Any of you musician types have any loops in .wav, .mp3, etc. or just plain cool samples? Horn stabs, scratches, spoken word, what have you?
Leave a link if you can, or if you prefer, discuss sending them via email.

I hope to use them in Xtreme Super Duper Looper Deluxe


Posted on 2004-04-26 00:56:05

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