Syntax file updated
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Just letting people know that I found a couple of errors in the syntax definition file I uploaded. I read the functions from notepad when I was adding them, and with the font I use, mistook a couple of lower cased "L"'s for upper cased "I"'s. (Partciularly FileReadln(), and FileWriteln() ) ^_^;

Anyway, it's been fixed and I uploaded the new version to the files section.

Posted on 2004-04-04 10:09:38 (last edited on 2004-04-04 10:13:36)


Syntax files are awesome! much love

Posted on 2004-04-05 02:06:31


Thanks Tat!

It's been updated again for the beta release.

Great work all! I'll be trying my best to find bugs for you guys.

Posted on 2004-04-05 12:08:43


they didn't add my syntax file in the pack? vecna is sleeping on the couch the next coming months... :/

Posted on 2004-04-06 11:46:43


Zaril will beat you with the club in is avatar!

Posted on 2004-04-06 14:10:41

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