Tetris Attack Remix (reco-nize kthx)
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I've been working on the engine for the past three weeks or so and I believe it is now 100% accurate (I hope someone who's given their soul up to Tetris Attack at some point is around to appreciate this)!

There's a most excellent video of it in action (before I started animating the Yoshi stage) in the most recent post

And here is screenshot (takes one now)

So step one is to finish making it a perfect clone of Tetris Attack, and then I'll work on the new modes, hidden features etc.

Posted on 2004-05-03 03:58:11


P.S. I love VERGE3

Posted on 2004-05-03 03:59:17


demo pls
P.S. thanks! :D

Posted on 2004-05-03 05:04:57


within like a week or so i'll have a demo of the 1 Player Time Trial mode, probably with only the Yoshi stage

Posted on 2004-05-03 05:26:18 (last edited on 2004-05-03 05:26:44)


Wow, this should be interesting. I've always liked Tetris Attack.

Posted on 2004-05-03 05:51:02


When netplay gets added in, I think we have our candidate for Demo Netplay Game :D

Posted on 2004-05-04 18:19:40


I've always thought Tetris Attack netplay was pretty.. dumb. VS Battle Mode drags on forever once you know how to prevent yourself losing, and in Time Trial mode a player's actions have no effect on the other (you just look at each other's scores at the end, maybe).

But mayybe I can come up with some new 2p modes that are decent :] I'm putting that off until some of the 1p modes are done though.

Posted on 2004-05-04 21:12:32

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