The "Make Games" Team 2.0
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Lately this team has been falling apart. So, I've reallowed sign-ups under a new team, to weed out those who were inactive or no longer interested. This time I was smart enough to include an 'email' form, which wasn't there before, which made things a bit chaotic.

Some may ask, what is it? It is project to gather a large group of people together from the community and make a collaborative effort at game creation in VERGE. The original group decided upon a tactical RPG as the project. We had quite a few basic ideas, but gradually this project gathered dust.

Now, rather than just bury this for good, I'd instead like to enlist as many willing people to revive this tactical RPG project, and progress further in its development. Will anyone help? Discuss.

(Click here to view the team webpage.)

Posted on 2005-01-09 10:05:16


Er...what's the idiots list, and why are Zaril and Esk in it?

...just wondering, that's the one I'd probably end up in :)

Posted on 2005-01-09 12:01:56


The 'Idiots' list is reserved for those who signed up for the options that had no real use to the team, such as 'Look-busy-but-do-nothing dude'. I could, however, be a bit nicer and change that to be the 'Fanboys' list.

Posted on 2005-01-09 15:03:10


I prefer idiot. See, it functions as a double-negative.

Posted on 2005-01-18 09:15:22


I had long wanted to do a tactical RPG. When I first heard of the project, I was sort of half thinking about getting involved somehow, but I never got around to it. Just as well maybe. Other then a few... liberal... story ideas and perhaps some basic tile art I have little idea what I would have actually contributed to the project. At this point it sounds very much different from what I would want to ideally do anyway, which would be a Phantom Brave style tactical RPG with lots of extremely weird insane shit.

Posted on 2005-02-02 21:55:07

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