The word is "sucktorgasmical", from the latin meaning "so amazingly terrible it makes bad men come."
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From #verge on tonight:
<SDHawk> dude ovk
<SDHawk> you are so fucking behind
<SDHawk> you didn't even try to update based on your own schedule
<SDHawk> loser
<Thrasher> loser
<Thrasher> eternal shame etc
<SDHawk> you lost AT THE FIRST WEEK
<Thrasher> no
<SDHawk> You know who else loses at the first week
<SDHawk> Losers
<Thrasher> no
<SDHawk> yes
<Thrasher> but I've updated once a week, and overkill has not
<SDHawk> yes
<SDHawk> we're shaming overkill
<SDHawk> not you
<Thrasher> oh
<SDHawk> because he's a failure
<Thrasher> well he lost at the second week
<Thrasher> oh wait I guess it is the first week
<Thrasher> oh well what's important is that he's lost
<SDHawk> he couldn't keep a single deadline
<SDHawk> he went beyond the call of failure here
<SDHawk> like we need a new word to describe it

Posted on 2007-11-03 03:31:45


how embarrassing

Posted on 2007-11-03 19:29:36


I get it already.

Posted on 2007-11-04 14:10:26


For what it's worth, Overkill, I totally hear you on the lack of time and all that. Honestly, I've been kind of hard-pressed to push out updates the last couple of weeks myself. I don't want to miss one, though, because I've now seen how merciless Grue is.

But you can do it, man! Show up those goons Thrasher and SDHawk!

... Also, I want to play your game already.

Posted on 2007-11-05 19:51:47


Mercy is for people who don't want to work on games.

Awesome is for the people who want to work on games.

Awesome is way better than Mercy.

Posted on 2007-11-05 22:00:58

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