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I think you should have the option to make tiles bigger (eg. 32x32), I want more detail per tile and it's annoying to place 4 16x16 tiles together all the time. =/

Posted on 2004-05-19 22:21:41


Although this is most certainly not feasable at this time in the engine, I'd mostly like the ability to switch the editor into larger tile modes.

Having the editor lock in tiles to 32x32, or in fact any rectangular shape constructable out of 16x16 tiles, would make things a lot easier for development of higher resolution games.

However, at the moment it appears that Tatsumi and Zeromus have been eaten by Giant Radioactive Gila Monsters, and as such are currently out of communication's range. I know Aen's mapeditor's stamp system was a step in this direction, but since he lost his progress I do not know how much work he's reconstructed.

At the moment, your best bet would to be to use photoshop like a really high-end mapeditor, and then use aen's psd2map to convert it. I apologize that the tools aren't more friendly yet. :(

Posted on 2004-05-19 22:56:14


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Having the editor lock in tiles to 32x32, or in fact any rectangular shape constructable out of 16x16 tiles, would make things a lot easier for development of higher resolution games.

I think the best idea would be to have the option to copy the contents of the maped clipboard into a list of tile groupings. Like, you can place the tiles the first time (I aim for the same size tiles, and I do have to place 4 16x16 tiles to get the effect), and then use the shift-drag to copy them, and then select an option to make a "Tile Grouping" that would go in a special list. Then you could click anything in the list, and it would automatically copy that same tile grouping into the clipboard.

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:08:05


aen hath saveth thouest:)

PSDMAP(alpha) FOR ALL!:)

all hail aen!:D

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:11:44


Yes, thats our proposed brush system.

I encourage you to shoot beams of hate from your eyes at tatsumi and zeromus for sucking.

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:12:29


I would but my eyes' warranty ran out and one more eyebeam could destroy the earth as we know it.....shoulda gotten the extended warranty

Posted on 2004-05-19 23:19:08


Oh, don't be too hard on tatsumi and zero, vecna. I'm sure they're just in a weird mood.

Posted on 2004-05-20 02:50:42


For the last two months!

Posted on 2004-05-20 03:00:45


for the record, zeromus is just being zeromus. I am being abnormally unproductive. furthermore, i just MOVED and ive been getting drunk a lot and having multiple one night stands. and also i work like 40+ hours a week. so lets weigh the two.

get laid/get drunk/make a living VS work on maped.


Posted on 2004-05-22 02:47:47


We're all praying for your eventual failure and retreat from real life!

Posted on 2004-05-22 02:57:29


Quote:Originally posted by Tatzen

get laid/get drunk/make a living VS work on maped.

Personally, I find keeping one girlfriend, only drinking a few pints a night, working a job I don't mind AND spending a couple of hours a week programming a silly verge game works quite well.

Everything in moderation... :D


Posted on 2004-05-23 01:54:33


Yes, but a few pints of what?

I doubt Tat's drinking anything good. He's underage, so has to take what he can get. >:D

Posted on 2004-05-23 08:19:40


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Yes, but a few pints of what?

Vodka. :D

Originally posted by mcgrue

I doubt Tat's drinking anything good. He's underage, so has to take what he can get. >:D

Underage!? Oh, I forget America had funny alchohol laws...

Thought everyone was an experienced drinker by 14 - all those evenings of hanging out on park benches drinking White Lightning and random spirits nicked from parents cabinets. Hey, Alex, you're from Ipswich aren't you? It's true isn't it!?
Tip to anyone visting Norwich, don't venture out on Friday/Saturday evening, you'll just get in the way of the locals being sick and drowning themselves in the river.


Posted on 2004-05-23 16:55:10


You're from Norwich? You have an annoyingly good football team... Yes, it's true, though I don't understand the attraction of park benches. White Lightning is definitely the cider of choice for gangs of teenage girls stumbing through the centre of town on a friday night, wearing next to nothing (though they make up for that with make up), shouting and fighting and being generally very un-classy. Unfortunately, the river doesn't run through that bit of town.

Posted on 2004-05-23 17:42:31


Realistically, everyone's pretty much an experienced drinker by 14 anyway.

I blame religious zealots. Otherwise we wouldn't have retarded alcohol laws. Treat teenagers like children and you shouldn't be surprised when they act like them.

After all, one almost has to be drunk in order to bother voting in this country. :|

Posted on 2004-05-23 18:58:20 (last edited on 2004-05-23 18:58:39)


Kinda partly from Norwich, parents live there at the moment, I'm in Bath. As for football, just a couple of years ago the situation was reversed - but now it's our turn in the Prem. again. Glad you too know the joys of the weekend proles. :)

Religion does indeen have a lot to answer for - which is a shame, I've got nothing against God personally, it's just the surrounding idiots I have a problem with. They always feel so justified in telling others what is right and wrong, then ignore their own rules when it suits them. Deuteronomy 21:18 is my personal favourite.


Posted on 2004-05-23 19:24:31


Quote:Originally posted by vecna

I blame religious zealots.

It's awesome how one opiate of the masses hinders the dominance of the other.

Christianity is all for booze, as long as it's cheap red wine shared from a communal cup so everyone can get herpes! Yaaaay sanitary religious practices!

Posted on 2004-05-23 20:07:30


I have a lot against God personally! For example: mosquitos! And why do bad things happen to good people, God? You just did that to piss me off!

Posted on 2004-05-23 20:11:39


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

I have a lot against God personally! For example: mosquitos! And why do bad things happen to good people, God? You just did that to piss me off!

That's not against him personally, just the his policies. :)


Posted on 2004-05-23 20:13:45


Quote:Originally posted by Zip

Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

I have a lot against God personally! For example: mosquitos! And why do bad things happen to good people, God? You just did that to piss me off!

That's not against him personally, just the his policies. :)


I find the best thing you can do to someone you hate is deny they exist.

Posted on 2004-05-24 10:26:46

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