Useful function for people who want to track time!
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I've just added a Date() function to the code vault.

It follows a similar format to PHP's date() function, but with notable ignored fields that you won't need anyway (like timezones, leap years, and week numbers) and something different used for escaping characters. Could prove useful to someone!

Behold, an example using it!
Log(Date("l $the$ jS, M 'y. g:i:s a"));
Monday the 20th, Apr '06. 7:30:28 pm

Posted on 2006-03-20 18:52:13 (last edited on 2006-03-20 18:58:09)


Prove useful... unless you got a watch and a calendar! tsk how about a useful funtion like FinishGame(fun=9, violence=true, nudity=true, if mcgrue playing=handicap at max)

And yes, I don't really know much about coding, but let me live in my fantasy world where I can scream at coders why is the game without paperdolling (learned a new word this month on the forum).

< /assholecomments>

Now anyone wanna be my coder... pretty pretty please...

Edit : Lol are rereading my post... I fell asleep by accident and woke up with full energy at 1 am. I'm highly unstable and thus my sarcasm might be too subtle. Rysen pointed to me not long ago that sometimes the way I talk seems aggressive. Now for anyone who missed... that was me trying to be funny... ty

I love you Overkill.... ;_; is it PMS again?

Posted on 2006-03-21 00:31:44 (last edited on 2006-03-21 00:36:28)

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