Using Dreamweaver as a VergeC IDE
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I'm new to verge and over the course of the last week I've been reading through all the documentation and browsing the forums. Last night I finaly got to the point I felt like I was ready to start playing with some code of my own. I tried downloading TextPad and much to my dismay it refused to download for me. I still don't know what went wrong with that download, but I came up with something different.

I happen to own a copy of Dreamweaver MX 2004 which does syntax highlighting and code hints for just about anything web related. I decided to peak at the config files and see if I could get the same fetures setup for VergeC.

I openned up the config directory and much to my delight I found several directories full of XML files :)

After a bit of poking around I did in fact manage to get both syntax highlighting and code hints working in Dreamweaver. If anyone is interested I posted directions on how to do it on my site.

Posted on 2005-08-16 22:29:13 (last edited on 2005-08-17 00:12:50)


Wow. Function insight too?


Also, where's the Unpress( int blah ); ? Isn't this the docpage for it?

Posted on 2005-08-17 20:10:01


In order to easily create the xml I basicly pasted the v3vergec.txt file that is packaged with the most recent engine release into notepad and did a series of searches and replaces, It is in the v3vergec.txt that you will find a few things like Unpress(int blah). Sometime over the weekend I'll use the online documentation to go through and clean up the xml to get rid of the things like that. If there is a better place to get a complete list of all the Verge system functions and their paramaters please point me there.

Posted on 2005-08-17 22:29:05


Better than ?

I'll whip up a short piece of PHP that outputs a plaintext list of just function signatures and global variables if I remember, tomorrow.

Posted on 2005-08-17 23:03:28


Originally posted by mcgrue

I'll whip up a short piece of PHP that outputs a plaintext list of just function signatures and global variables if I remember, tomorrow.

That would be perfect. Thanks!

Posted on 2005-08-18 10:16:18

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