Hey, I was just browsing the files section of the V2 demos and noticed three of my games in there. They were posted there by Actinium with no info, but I thought it was cool they were there. Not sure if anyone cares about the info for them anymore, with the imminent release of V3 but I thought I would throw out a shameless plug anyways. Warning: If you don't care about V2 read no further. You probably shouldnt read any further anyways, unless you like long rants about stupid crap. :P
Well, the games are Arena, Exlax, and The Guard Tower of Doom if anyone wants to check them out. Arena was made completely by me, but with lots of ripped graphics. Exlax was for the 48hov where you had to stop the time travelling mercenary from stopping the creation of verge. My friend Nostradamus was supposed to do the graphics for it but only started that sunday afternoon so he only got about a third of it done (including using some of the crappy test graphics I used while programming it). There is a ton of that game that was never seen due to lack of graphics. And The Guard Tower of Doom was a port of a game I originally did with ascii graphics back in the day, for which Nostradamus designed the map.
Anyways, real excited about V3 and I'm already working on the design for several games. Nostradamus is supposed to do the graphics we'll see if these games ever see light.
And one last note, I doubt anyone remembers me but I've been around since the late days of V1, but I think this about doubles the total number of words I ever posted on the verge forums. :P
Posted on 2004-02-26 05:38:17