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This was more of an experiment on my part.
Double interlace is something I learned about from the Sega Saturn dev manual. By combining it with paletted color, the Saturn was able to do a nifty hi-res mode.
Anyway, to double the vertical resolution, it used alternating scanlines that displayed the even and the odd lines of the framebuffer on every other render.
So, I made a little demo to test it. The results are...interesting.
You might not want to stare at it for too long. It's a modification of the Framethrottle demo, and it's set at 1 frame skip, to allow for both even and odd lines to be drawn before the next frame. So in theory it gets 30fps. It think.
Quick Info
DBINT_screen is the buffer you draw to for the screen destination. It has twice the vertical resolution as the normal display (ie, 320x480 instead of 320x240).
DBINT_SetBuffer() before ShowPage() to prepare the current frame.