V3 function request
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I have a lot of optional logging code in the Sully Complete codebase that goes:

LOGGER( "this is the line to log" );

And earlier in the codebase I have

#define LOGGER log

And when I want to have no logging, I change it to

#define LOGGER _no_log

that function looks like this:

void _no_log( string s ) {}

It might be dumb, but I find it very useful.

Posted on 2004-04-07 17:36:41

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damn thats a really fuckin cool idea grue, I never woulda thought of that.

anyway, another feature request, camera tracking!

Posted on 2004-04-08 00:40:25 (last edited on 2004-04-08 00:43:00)

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Damn Grue's smart.

Feature-wise, I can't see anything in vergec.txt for changing the order of the renderstring. ie:

SetRenderString(string renderstring)

This would come in handy somewhere down the line.

Posted on 2004-04-08 01:35:56

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Support for Windows Font File Format. TTY, I belive. That would be pimp.

Posted on 2004-04-09 20:44:49

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I remember hearing vecna say once that he was considering a feature that would draw a single chr frame to wherever so you could tool around with it and then blit it. This would be pretty boss -- any hope of it being implemented someday? Obviously someone with the spec sheet could just code a V3 function to do the same thing, but that would be annoying and slower!

Posted on 2004-04-09 23:18:38

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I already bothered him with that suggestion. It's already in, listed in the graphics functions in the vergec.txt

Posted on 2004-04-10 01:56:06

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Posted on 2004-04-10 03:28:25

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Can you UNHookEntityRender?

Posted on 2004-04-10 03:44:25

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I'm not sure, but that may be possible by going:


Posted on 2004-04-10 04:02:38

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yeah what he said, HookEntityRender(entity, ""); unhooks

Posted on 2004-04-10 04:44:34

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untill someone says "shut up rage you asshole!" I'm going to ask about another function that'd be cool... =p

rather than a render() that renders everything map and entity related, something like rendermap() and renderentities().

It would allow you to put graphics and what not behind entitys would be mighty useful.

Posted on 2004-04-10 05:28:18

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If you want to do that, I'm pretty sure there's a retrace map layer. Er.. It worked that way in V2.

Posted on 2004-04-10 14:38:35

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well if I put the retrace layer under the entities then I cant hookretrace a heads-up display that is on top of everything.

but with that in mind I guess what would be better to ask for is a 2nd retrace layer that you can hook into.

Posted on 2004-04-10 17:44:12

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I'm noticing that VergeC.txt doesn't list any commands for changing layer opacity. Can we have some? Are they in but not documented? This'd make day and night cycles and fading coolness fantastically easy. Something like:

SetLayerLucent(int layer, int lucency)

For a start, my plans to have fading house roofs go completely out of the window without this.

Posted on 2004-04-11 00:40:49

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I have a lot of optional logging code in the Sully Complete codebase that goes:

LOGGER( "this is the line to log" );

And earlier in the codebase I have

#define LOGGER log

And when I want to have no logging, I change it to

#define LOGGER _no_log

that function looks like this:

void _no_log( string s ) {}

It might be dumb, but I find it very useful.

Why can’t you say:

#define LOGGER //

to comment out logs when you don't want them instead?

Consequently, I often try to do things like:

#define self. objs[self].

Witch would allow me to assign self as a int and use self. as a pointer. Or maybe:

#define DoKeyBind( CallFunction("BindAction_"+

Witch would allow be to append the text to the front of something and call something without wasting a function call.

But it seams #define don't replace whole strings just identifiers. :(

Oh well, I guess direct text replacement has too much room for error.

Posted on 2004-04-11 01:29:33 (last edited on 2004-04-11 01:40:33)

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Hmm.. How about:

TileBlit(int x, int y, int tilenum, int destimage)
TTileBlit(int x, int y, int tilenum,int destimage)

...or is there already a function for dealing with tiles? I mean, it's more efficient if there's a function like this rather than having to do a GrabRegion() in an instance where you want a single tile.

Posted on 2004-04-11 23:35:14

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Yeah, thats in.

Posted on 2004-04-12 14:01:33

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Next thing they'll request will be voice control functions for their games.

Posted on 2004-04-12 18:50:54

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could someone tell me what the syntax of a function is?

and can a function exist within a completely dif. set of vc code? if so, say I have a vc file full off these functions in, say, function.vc

how can I call it from test.vc?

I know these may sound pathetically ignorant but I'm just getting used to this stuff^^;

Posted on 2004-04-12 18:55:42

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I believe all functions, and vars declared outside of functions are totally global.
If you:
#include "function.vc"
in system.vc, anything in function.vc should be usable from test.vc. All functions/global params are in essence members of a single Class, if that helps.

Unless I'm wrong, of course.

Posted on 2004-04-12 19:24:12

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