V3 function request
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I forgot to use the proper formatting. It should be...

int IsRightPressed()
if joy.right [whatever] == 1:
return 1
return 0

Return is a command that terminates a function and returns a value. If a function is defined with the keyword "int", it may return an integer value. If it is defined with "string", it may return a string value. If it is defined with "void", it does not necessarily return any value that you can use. Most V3 functions are defined Void, but many Load functions are "ints" because they return the number of the memory index.

For example,

int Function()
{ return 4;}

is the same as


Since both of those statements pass a 4 to the Print().

Posted on 2004-04-23 01:16:31 (last edited on 2004-04-23 01:17:55)



that would definitely come in handy to know:)

omni: you working on the docs?(you would be good at it:P)

Posted on 2004-04-23 02:28:24


I might do a something something here or there.

Posted on 2004-04-23 03:07:29


OK, I'm not sure if this is useful enough to go in, but...is there a way, for zones that call a function, for them to store the x/y coordinates of the zone tile in system variables until the function stops executing or another zone gets called? This would be kind of neat for some places, since you wouldn't need a separate system to determine the calling zone tile for adjactent-activation zones and for stand-on zones.

Posted on 2004-04-24 04:30:33


So how about float support?

Posted on 2004-04-24 06:07:07


Maybe I'm talking too much, but couldn't you just use the X/Y of the entity who called the Zone's event to figure out where the zone is?

Posted on 2004-04-24 15:02:48


int event.tx; // triggering tile x coord of this event, if applicable
int event.ty; // triggering tile y coord of this event, if applicable
int event.zone; // triggering zone of this event, if applicable
int event.entity; // triggering entity of this event, if applicable
int event.param; // parameter passed on event string

hmm event.param is not used at this time, but the rest should be filled in most of the time I think.

Posted on 2004-04-24 20:08:35


Doh! That's the second thing I've asked for that's already in. I need to pay more attention.

Posted on 2004-04-25 03:22:21


a little fantasy of mine...

Posted on 2004-04-26 13:39:24


setobspixel cant really happen, since the obs maps are stored on a tile basis, I do NOT have some gigantic pixel accurate size-of-the-whole-map bitmap used for obstruction checking.

Posted on 2004-04-26 18:08:12


I figured as much =p

Posted on 2004-04-26 22:57:41


here's a request. Could there be a hotkey for disabling the joystick? I have a dpadpro interface and if the psx pad is not plugged in it defaults to "upper left side".

I know this is a me-specific problem, but just throwing ideas around:)

Posted on 2004-04-27 04:18:36


Would LoopSound() or some such be hard to do? Or is there a way to loop them I missed...

ps: Mmm... callbacks!

Posted on 2004-04-27 07:44:47


Sabernet Wrote
"here's a request. Could there be a hotkey for disabling the joystick? I have a dpadpro interface and if the psx pad is not plugged in it defaults to "upper left side".

I know this is a me-specific problem, but just throwing ideas around:) "

sounds like a good one for the "Verge.CFG" file. I'm pretty sure I had ocassional problems like that - tho not recently, and certainly not with Verge 3. Back in the ol' V2 days.

Tho admittedly, it was less of a problem with V2 than with my control interface. But it's less hassle changing a '1' to a '0' in a config file than phystically unplugging the interface.

Posted on 2004-04-27 07:50:28 (last edited on 2004-04-27 07:54:47)


map.width and map.height as built-ins would be useful.

Posted on 2004-04-27 21:29:51


I poked vecna for a map.w and map.h, yeah.

Posted on 2004-04-27 23:46:33


itd be nice to be able to move entities in a different format than up and down... I dunno maybe defined with distance and angle of direction? probably not a high priority function but it would be very nice.

Posted on 2004-05-01 23:57:16


int numlayers //total number of map layers in the renderstring, not including obstructions, retrace, entities, or zones

int layer[] //layer[0] stores the first map layer in the renderstring that is counted in numlayers, layer[1] stores the 2nd, etc.

I thought of these while thinking about coding a mini-map generator. I had one in the last release of my V2.6 Vortex, but I had to write specific code for every map in the game, because of the different layer orders in different maps. It would be nice if there was a way to use VC to construct the map exactly the same way render() would, with the ability to do it all in only one loop for all maps.

Posted on 2004-05-02 15:31:14


getObsPixel should tell you if it sees a entity hotspot too

Posted on 2004-05-03 03:20:09


its be nice to be able to have math in the array declairation

Posted on 2004-05-08 22:23:19

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