V3 Online Capability
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If I were developing a game engine this kind of question would make me sick. However, I do recall it mentioned somewhere (I think that Verge3 Release Roadmap post), and I did have a game idea or two that made me wonder, so I'll go ahead and ask what's on my mind:

Is V3 really going to have net-ready capability, at some time in the distant/not-so-distant future? If so, will it be through a VC-version of Sockets, or another implementation custom-suited for V3?

Posted on 2004-04-10 17:14:19


It'd be cool if they add it soon, and resize the maximum string size to 512 characters. That would pave the way for vIRC, or something.

Posted on 2004-04-10 19:40:45


Network capabilities would suit me fine. The chance to play co-operatively is something I jump at. Don't expect too much. Verge is just rocking cool as it is and adding netcode would be a major pain. Think how much debugging THAT would require.

Posted on 2004-04-11 00:37:43


And the thought of Lord Stan pimping off teenage hookers and collecting spam lists worries me;)

Posted on 2004-04-12 18:52:33


Lord Stan would not be wiggity-wack like that.

Posted on 2004-04-12 20:31:55


Though, Big Daddy Bubba would.

Posted on 2004-04-12 20:46:55


Yeah he would for sure. He's a bastard.

Posted on 2004-04-12 20:58:09


one day, I was like waiting in line for groceries, and he like so cut in front of me....

I've been plotting my revenge ever since....

Posted on 2004-04-12 21:36:55

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