V3 Sprites
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Wondering about the sprite[] array.

Is every sprite drawn to a certain layer on the Renderstring, something like V1?

IE, you can plug a Healthbar pic into Sprites[] and it will draw it every Render()? Like some kind of HookRetrace database?

EDIT: Er...also...is it possible to retrieve image data for an entity? I know I've seen this discussed somewhere, but I can't find anything in the function reference. Does it have something to do with GetSprite()?

Posted on 2004-06-09 15:59:47 (last edited on 2004-06-09 16:08:32)


I THINK you can use BlitEntityFrame() (not sure of the exact command). Unfortunately, with sprites, you still have to render them yourself with the sprite blitting commands.

Posted on 2004-06-09 22:04:30


also if you want entity image data, its somewhat weird because the x,y of an entity is at the top left of it's hotspot. inorder to get to the top left of an entity's image can be done but to know the width and height is impossible.

Posted on 2004-06-09 22:23:37

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