V3 zones question
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What will the maximum number of zones per map be? The limit of 255 in V2 is a bit close for comfort on some of my maps. :)

Posted on 2004-03-20 04:43:55


It would appear that the limit is now 65535.
Which required negotion on my part to have tatsumi bring it down from 4 billion.

Posted on 2004-03-20 05:23:39



Posted on 2004-03-20 10:55:42


Ah, this is good news indeed.

Posted on 2004-03-21 15:18:36


Will these zones be pixel accurate and make use of the monochrome tiles as well? I mean, this could be kind of useful.

Posted on 2004-03-21 15:22:28


While we're on this kind of subject, do you guys know how many map layers we can have yet?

Posted on 2004-03-21 16:56:39


You can have up to 4 billion named layers. I know its restricting, but you're just going to have to deal with it.

Posted on 2004-03-21 22:03:16


Hmmm... So I guess my plan to make a map of the night sky with an individual layer for each star in the universe is pretty much out the window.

Posted on 2004-03-21 22:55:22

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