vecna done a good thang
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vecna done done a great thang when he created VERGE
and he done followed through and done it right good
let us praise this man vecna who done it.

Posted on 2004-08-24 04:22:31

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Well yee-haw to that, I say, YEE-HAW!!


Posted on 2004-08-24 05:02:08

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Here here, let's buy him a beer.

Posted on 2004-08-24 09:37:03

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there, there, let's buy him a .... hare? :-)

Posted on 2004-08-24 09:40:22

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Posted on 2004-08-26 05:07:30

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Christ, that's more vecna-flesh than I've seen in a good long while.

mmm... vecna-flesh...

Posted on 2004-08-26 14:05:42

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Displaying 1-6 of 6 total.
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