Verge Online
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I've been in the community for a long time and I've seen references to Verge Online on several occasions. Heck, at one point I remember there even being a website created for it. I've been thinking about this and some other things and a couple of questions come to mind:

First, I've heard that the Verge Online project has been started several times and has failed to gain momentum each time. Did this ever actually get anywhere besides maybe just a room/map you could walk around and talk in?

Second, what is/was Verge Online going to be, exactly? How, in your opinion, should it work?

I know that some stuff along these lines has been discussed before, but some of it hasn't, and I'd like to hear what everybody has to say on this matter.


Posted on 2007-05-14 18:02:22


Verge Online, simply put, is life from lifelessness. It is a process whereby the molecular structure of a given object can be restructured at the subatomic level of an equal mass. The intention of the process is to introduce the Verge Device into a preselected area of a lifeless space body; a moon or other dead form. The device (when delivered) would instantaneously cause the Verge Effect; matter is reorganized with life generating results. A living, breathing planet would reform from the dead body, capable of supporting whatever life forms are deposited onto it. When one considers the cosmic problem of population and food-supply, the usefulness of the process becomes clear.

Posted on 2007-05-14 18:11:53


Verge Online was meant to be a graphical mud done in a Zelda 3/Secret of Mana/Console RPGish way.

It got as far as having alpha server/client software where paperdolled avatars could walk around and chat (the fabled "walk'n'talk" demo). But once things had gotten that far, there were... reasons... the developers stopped. I think mainly complexity and/or disagreements about what the actual game system would be like.

I'm not being vague here out of coyness. I simply don't know myself. I like... made a few maps and a paperdoll or two for the project. Sme of those maps are in the current unreleased WIP build of Sully though.

Posted on 2007-05-14 18:15:39


Understood, mcgrue, and thanks. I can understand how a diverse set of developers could disagree on the game mechanics. In any case, you've helped me to understand this a bit better.


Posted on 2007-05-19 23:06:02


I remember verge online. It was like someone took all the secrecy and cooperation problems of sully 2 and then further divided the resources into two different projects. What went wrong? :(

Posted on 2007-05-20 01:21:43

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