Verge Widget Library (VWL)
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Check it out! It's a user interface library I've worked on and off in my boredom. ...I was bored a lot, okay? Includes sliders, buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, text fields, useful stuff! Enjoy.

Your comments?

Posted on 2005-11-11 20:44:17



This is awesome on so many levels.

Posted on 2005-11-11 21:53:26


Maybe you could also set up a psuedo-bitmap skinning feature, kinda like Creek23's?

This feels very functional. I also noticed the cut and paste ability...that was cool. Interesting. Would be excellent with those dynamic arrays.

Posted on 2005-11-12 09:05:55


I probably could, but I have a feeling it'd be a bit on the slow side, considering currently I render every single object to its repective image and then blit them all.

I'd probably need to edit the code to only refresh widget images upon them being changed, then there'd be a bit of speed boost. But the widget structure is pretty cramped with variables as is, and I'd probably need quite a few state-holders added to make it only refresh upon requirement. If you looked at RemoveWidget() or ClearWidgets() you'd notice how awful it is to have to copy large structs by hand.

Posted on 2005-11-12 15:42:13


Neat. Some of this stuff here could be enormously handy.

I've been fiddling with GUI funkiness myself. Nothing pertaining to a full *system* as such, more like a collection of useful, unintrusive code for making GUI creation easier. Check out my function library in the V3 utlitilities downloads (if memory serves). There are a few examples of what I've been dithering away at there.

The function library contains code for all sorts, from getting text input from the player to tiling a texture into a rectangle of virtually any size and gradients and other simple stuff. Nice to have it all in one place.

Lately I've been working at it again: chopping bits out, re-arranging, simplifying and putting new stuff in. I've just finished work on rounded rectangles, supremely easy to use buttons and am now tinkering with scrollbars.

One tip to note: I tend to get the code to draw the simple stuff (check boxes etc.) rather than load images of them. Not only does it reduce the number of files being juggled but it makes things easier to manipulate. Which is nice.

Posted on 2005-11-12 20:10:42

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