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Anyone care to share their VergeMark scores?

Mine is 14592

My hardware is:
1.8Ghz P4 Notebook
512MB Ram
Linux 2.6
ATI Radeon Mobility
Verge from SVN

BTW, VergeMark doesn't run as/is right now. Apparently verge used to support functions that start with numbers but does not do so any longer. Just rename the functions to start w/ a letter (I just used a d in place of the 3's).

Posted on 2006-02-06 21:56:24


Posted on 2006-02-07 15:35:40


Yikes... I got a pretty crappy score then. I wonder why? The linux version shouldn't be slower than the windows version. I didn't have that much extra running in the background... Sounds like it's time for the profiler.

Posted on 2006-02-07 18:47:29


Originally posted by adderd

Yikes... I got a pretty crappy score then. I wonder why? The linux version shouldn't be slower than the windows version.

Forgive my potential ignorance: why, exactly? With most people using Windows I'dve imagined it was the platform on which most work was invested to make things run speedily.

Posted on 2006-02-09 18:58:28


Well, the code is 95% the same between the linux and windows versions. There are differences in how the hardware is initialized but once the program gets running it's pretty similar. Linux usually has better multitasking than windows. In fact sometimes windows programs run faster in WINE than windows. So, I'd think that I should be able to get comparable performance.

I haven't tried VergeMark on windows on my machine yet so I really don't know if I'd get comparable numbers or not. I suppose that I should do that someday.

Posted on 2006-02-10 10:54:19

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