If you get a working version of VOpenCHR, I have a proposal to discuss with you involving updating the Verge3 CHR format. Some features, like custom animations are trivial, and could fairly easily be added. Also, depending on how stable your work becomes, I would consider updating the editor to support features that Verge does not support, like alpha channels, layers within entities, variable frame sizing, and multiple, named rectangular regions (like the hotspot, but useful for other applications of sprites).
Really though, for Verge, there aren't too many features that need to be added considering the current CHR format. Contact me at overkill9999
or via IM, I'm interested in helping to improve Verge, as well as having a flexible sprite container for my own purposes.
Also: Consider allowing this editor to export to .ika-sprite as well, as I know that ika is sorely lacking a non-broken sprite editor.