VOpenCHR's possible return
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I want to bring VOpenCHR back, but I intend to make it in .NET. Considering that there is a Mac version of Verge I wanted to know if any Mac users out there have successfully run or compiled .NET programs. If you have I could sure use you as a compiler later, or at least use the information you've collected on this.

I had an aversion to .NET before but now that I've learned it, it's too damn easy to ignore as a viable way to create a Windows application. My only concern of course is the cross platform aspect of creating said application. I work in Windows exclusively now and thus have no way to develop for other platforms at the present time.

As such, I am requesting the following:
-Feature Requests
-(Quasi)-developers (those willing and able to compile VOpenCHR in other platforms)

I currently plan to make all of the features of VOpenCHR 0.5 available, and let the user edit animations by adding and changing frame order in a film strip fashion. It will also be prettier. Other than that I'm not sure what to put in it. Please advise.

Posted on 2007-07-17 13:44:36


If you get a working version of VOpenCHR, I have a proposal to discuss with you involving updating the Verge3 CHR format. Some features, like custom animations are trivial, and could fairly easily be added. Also, depending on how stable your work becomes, I would consider updating the editor to support features that Verge does not support, like alpha channels, layers within entities, variable frame sizing, and multiple, named rectangular regions (like the hotspot, but useful for other applications of sprites).

Really though, for Verge, there aren't too many features that need to be added considering the current CHR format. Contact me at overkill9999gmail or via IM, I'm interested in helping to improve Verge, as well as having a flexible sprite container for my own purposes.

Also: Consider allowing this editor to export to .ika-sprite as well, as I know that ika is sorely lacking a non-broken sprite editor.

Posted on 2007-07-17 15:08:04 (last edited on 2007-07-17 15:09:44)


These are all good suggestions. However I'm a little confused on the updating of the Verge3 CHR format. Somehow I doubt I will be allowed to simply make up changes to the format and put them in the editor. However alpha channels will definitely be necessary if I am to include ika sprites. You may have to explain the named rectangular regions and what those would be used for, because I'm a little confused regarding that.

If you want to act as a kind of middle man regarding updating the CHR format be my guest. Any changes you want to make should be fairly easy to include for the most part.

Oh, I could also use some icons and interface ideas.

Posted on 2007-07-17 15:24:25


Oh, being able to see a faded version of the last frame under the current frame would be very handy to smooth animation (believe me, I need that extra help) and would be awesome :).
Here's an exemple of what I mean (top-right pic).

Posted on 2007-07-19 12:16:32


That's a good idea, and I never would have thought of it. Keep em comin.

Posted on 2007-07-19 17:02:02


great freakin idea!

no, i have never even tried to compile a .net. i don't know much about .net, i'll have to do some reading tonight.

anyhow, i DO have a mac, and i'm willing to try it

edit: can't we go for something a little more cross-platform and linux friendly?

Posted on 2007-08-21 15:01:19 (last edited on 2007-08-21 15:02:38)


How about not needing to have source padding in the image we import... That always annoyed me. I have to manually copy paste each frame instead.

Posted on 2007-08-27 21:44:31

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