Where are the "What about M" contest winner blurbs? :(
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I know the Xmas 2008 10-day competition had judgements.

I know that Mademoiselle won.

But I can't find the judgements themselves :(

Posted on 2010-11-18 00:52:20


That's extremely weird. I don't know where they could've ran off to.

Posted on 2010-11-18 18:30:56


Originally by mcgrue:

I know the Xmas 2008 10-day competition had judgements.

I know that Mademoiselle won.

But I can't find the judgements themselves :(

Hmm. Thanks to the search I found them


But they're not showing up in the forum list itself! I don't know why. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE

Posted on 2010-11-19 19:35:50

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