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Hey everybody!

I just came by and checked out the site. Then I downloaded the latest version and jammed onto IRC and spoke with Grue.

Seems like the community is getting back into full swing - that's awesome.

I'm taking a break from some stuff I do now and kinda looking forward to trying out this Lua stuff and seeing what I can come up with - probably just my usual brand of bullshit tinkering, but we'll see.

What's everyone else up to? Hit me with some screenshots, punks!

- Shadow64

Posted on 2010-12-19 01:44:38


I'd give you screenshots, but Tripod is testy about remote linking and I still can't put new images into galleries here. You can, however, view my latest work (screenshots included) at

A brief update for those who (rightfully) think Tripod is scary. I'm still hard at work updating Serinor. The new battle system is, by and large, complete, which is the largest part of the game. Plenty more system updating to do before I get back to worldbuilding, but it's coming along apace. I just uploaded a work-in-progress demo there also, which I think puts me leagues ahead of my fellow Gruedorfers, most of whom it seems can't be bothered to work on actual games.

Really, though, I'm just glad people are active. And tinkering is a long-held Verge tradition. Just share whatever you come up with. I think we lost that somewhere along the way.

Posted on 2010-12-19 21:51:40


I'm excited to see that Serinor is still happening! I lost track of all VERGE stuff for some time and sort of assumed it had petered out, but it had tons of potential so it's great that you're continuing to work on it.

Posted on 2010-12-21 09:24:49

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It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.