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Seriously, what is up guys.

Gruedorf is at a pathetically all-time high of loss (we actually have EVERY SINGLE registered gruedorfer losing for a few days there). The boards have been silent since mid-September. Is everyone dead? Laid up with school and work?

Is ANYONE making any games out there? I want to hear about it! I don't even really care if it's with Verge. Tell us! Post screenshots and links!

Posted on 2009-10-14 07:45:03


\f2Pious\f0 always wanted to be a Knight, a \f4Stalwart Defender\f0 of the people of \f3Serinor\f0. He would protect his world from the scourge of such \f4monstrosities\f0 as the \f2Rogue String Parser\f0 that terrorized \f4farmers\f0 and \f4menu designs\f0 alike.

In other news, I bought a house. Turns out that's a lot of work. But now that I'm living 40 miles closer to work, I've got a lot of free time and am back at work on \f3Serinor\f0. Hopefully by next month, I'll have the new opening tutorial available for download/play, at which point I'll get to work folding old save files into the new framework.

Posted on 2009-10-14 12:03:44


Well, I'm alive, I've slowly been dying with school. School's interesting, just, it sort of takes a lot (read: all) of my spare time. Only this and Winter semester, and I then I get that shiny magic paper stating I have my undergrad Computer Science degree.

During the summer, I was working on this:

I never really posted my demo publicly (it hasn't changed since the summer at all if you played it before), but I'll post it here just in case it's never finished. Arrow keys are used to move. Everything else is explained in game (including jumping!). Stop when you get to the room with the giant cat head and blue miniteleporter. That's all there is for now.

Unfortunately, I don't know what to add, so I think I might redo the level structure and item decisions to make it easier to build off. I'll probably remove the Wandering Eye because it does horrible vertical tearing to the screen when the camera scrolls. Gotta see. Maybe on a weekend I'm not getting clobbered (hopefully this weekend if I get lucky), I'll start on that. Anyways.

We should stop dying and start being awesome again!

Posted on 2009-10-15 09:20:25 (last edited on 2009-10-15 09:21:36)


I'm working on a new project, but it has just begun and I'm still working through the engine foundation.

I'm not an expert coder though, so it's kind of fly by ear and I'm still working on technical hurdles.

Posted on 2009-10-17 03:11:39


Duly noted. I really should do something, I guess. But being lazy is so awesome.

Posted on 2009-10-17 11:26:18 (last edited on 2009-10-17 11:26:37)



Now with horrible video compression!

Posted on 2009-10-18 21:30:55


Wow. I love Molasses Monsoon. It's a lot of fun :)

Posted on 2009-11-04 13:16:35


Thanks. I recently (and by recent, I mean about a month and half ago) had some ideas on how to continue the progression of the game, but thanks to school, time is scarce. I usually pull an all-nighter 1-2 times a week. Lame lame lame.

At some point when I don't feel entirely drained from horrible courseload I want to write some Gruedorf. Especially since my last post was on the revamp of my site, and then I haven't posted at all since.


Posted on 2009-11-06 01:17:20


Here, at Creajeux, a French school for Video Game, we made a new game with Verge: Brouzouf Adventure.

We posted a thread about it (http://verge-rpg.com/boards/display_thread.php?id=132965) but no response of any vergers ><

Hope you will check a little our release (even if it's in french).

This new year we're going to make a great Verge game, which will include 4 mini-games, online stats for records, great never-seen effects in-game, localised sound, mutliplayers for mini-game, trophee-like system (like steam games), full CG introduction, maps higher than 2048*2048 (we will not use Maped for this project), a cool and full solo adventure with nice game mechanics, and language selection (French, English).

This time we make participate 3 sections of our school, 3D artists, coders, and the new Animation section (for CG).

I'll post in the futur months some first screen of our game. For now all of the 4 mini-games works, online score and multiplayer too!!

Please leave comment for Brouzouf Adventure, and be ready to be surprised with the theme and quality for the next game !

See you soon all Vergers !

Posted on 2009-11-24 06:12:15


I tried it. It looked pretty damn good. At first I didn't think it was really a verge game. I couldn't make much progress though, because I just couldn't figure out what I was supposed to do, not understanding French and all.

Posted on 2009-11-25 04:37:43

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