Zara has a game on Steam?!!
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Holy shit! Good show, that man!

Posted on 2010-06-09 11:44:21


Yeah, congrats to Zara.

I got to beta-test it! I can safely say, Eversion HD is pretty nifty. Improves a bit on the graphics of the original Eversion, and the achievements in this release are a nice touch. The price range seems reasonable, but I am averse to buying indie games for some reason, and the "HD" remake, while awesome, doesn't seem to offer much that the original didn't already.

It definitely felt more polished though, and Zaratustra's games are worth supporting. With Steam he'll probably reach an even larger base than the original release, which was gobbled up by VGCats and other sites.

Posted on 2010-06-10 00:45:59 (last edited on 2010-06-10 01:37:45)

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