A bunch of questions I cant find the answers to on here. (Real-time RPG)
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I am used to using RPGmaker and there are alot of things I do not understand here. Im not sure if there is a way to do things or I have to do it from scratch.some of the question I will be asking might be designer questions, if so then just say I need to figure that one on my own :) I am just looking for some shortcuts or a way of doing things with this engine I dont want to re-create the wheel.

All of my questions are for a real-time RPG.

1. How do I make a dialog box? Do I need art assets to have a dialog box or is it something preset by this engine?

2. How do I set a button to perform a attack like Link from Zelda? (I read into the HookKey function, do I use that? and how?) Also how do I determine collision with objects that I attack? meaning is there a way to determine location of the entity and myself to check if i hit or miss?

3. I understand I declare global varibles within the System.vc but do I need to declare them once more in the game.vc?

4. For GUI's how can i have them update and display on screen as the player walks through the map and/or fighting?
IE: health/sats numeric/statusbar.

Posted on 2008-06-30 15:11:34


1. You generally use a dialog box you or someone else has made. There are examples in the Sully Chronicles code, and several more in the files section.

2. Overkill could field this question better than I, since he's made a few systems like that specifically.

3. All System.vc variables are accessible from any map's vc file. However, any variable you declare specifically in a map's vc file is only going to exist while on that map.

4. HookRetrace! It lets you draw stuff to the screen every frame, and I use it exactly for what you describe in my own game.

Posted on 2008-06-30 17:11:28


awesome thanks, I also had another question. I was looking through all the files in the tutorial and i notice, how do I link art assets such as GUI's and where do I make them then store them or convert them to work in Verge?

Posted on 2008-07-01 00:56:47


So, art resources are just plain old image files (supported formats are pcx, bmp, gif, png. png is preferred, btw.)

Here is a very basic example of how to go about this all.

//assume this is your system.vc, and you have a my_pretty_hud.png in the base verge directory.
//also assume you have a valid v3 map named gui_demo.map in the base verge directory, and that it's spawning a player entity in it's map start script.

int my_hud_image;

void AutoExec()
my_hud_image = LoadImage( "my_pretty_hud.png" );


map( "gui_demo.map" );

void draw_my_HUD() {

TBlit( 0,0, my_hud_image, screen );

And here's a demo I put together for you:

Posted on 2008-07-01 02:50:04


VERGE is so far beyond what you can do with RPG-maker that it's not even funny. But you have to be able to walk before you can produce something like Timekeepers.

There's no dialogue box function by default, but all the components are in place to allow you to construct one quite simply.

void UI_Textbox( string textbox_content )
// A Very Simple textbox routine

int FONT_builtin = 0;

SetEntitiesPaused( 1 ); // stops all the entities from moving
textline = WrapText( FONT_builtin, textbox_content, imagewidth( screen ) );

while (!b1) // while button 1 isn't pressed
// Draw textbox.

rectfill (0, imageheight( screen )/2, imagewidth( screen ), imageheight( screen ), RGB( 0, 0, 255 ), screen);

PrintString( 0, imageheight( screen )/2, screen, FONT_builtin, textline);

unpress(b1); // This prevents the textbox from being fired off again immediately.

SetEntitiesPaused(0); // unpauses the entities

// End of Function

This looks a lot more complex than it actually is. Basically all it does is draw a rectangle on the screen (http://www.verge-rpg.com/docs/view.php?libid=1&function=47) and print some text over it (http://www.verge-rpg.com/docs/view.php?libid=1&function=50).

Posted on 2008-07-01 03:19:16

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