A *little* Artistic Help Required
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Ok, here's a semi-unusual, non-code-related request.

I'm having a whole heap of trouble with a sideways walking animation for a sprite I'm making for my long-term RPG "Perceptions". It's one of the possible appearances for the player. Here's a little preview of the current version as an animated GIF:

The arms and bobbing are fine but the legs are annoying me. I just can't seem to get them to move convincingly. Can someone show me the best way to make it look good? The full set of frames (current revision) are below:

The third and fourth rows are the troublesome ones. Animations for each direction use the traditional Sully Chronicles method of animating, as in A,B,C,A,D,E. "A" is the idle frame (used twice in the animation for smoothness) and the other letters are the other frames in the animation in order from left to right.

I'll credit anyone who lends a hand in the credits for my game, if and when it gets anywhere near playable.

Posted on 2004-04-11 00:53:16


It's not entirely applicable to teensy sptires, but this is my best friend when it comes to walking in profile.

Posted on 2004-04-11 04:03:59


In row 3, it appears that your character puts her left (left from her perspective, that is) foot forward first, as it is the lighter-colored one. If you are using animation sequences consistent with the Sully style (and it's also what I use, too), the 4th and 5th frames on that row should be putting her right foot forward. This is true for the 5th frame, but it looks to me like you still have her left foot first in the 4th frame. In fact, the foot position in the 4th frame looks identical to the foot position in the 2nd frame.

This is a really nice-looking CHR, btw. With such nice graphics work, I hate to give you criticism you aren't looking for, but I find the two sideways-facing animations a little confusing. They look like she's walking diagonally down in addition to going sideways. I think the problem is in being able to see both of her eyes. If this is the effect you are aiming for, then don't mind me. :-)

Posted on 2004-04-11 19:12:11


Yeah, I know what you mean Technetium. The previous version was much worse! I was aiming to make the sprite look a little less flat than they normally are but it doesn't *quite* work. I might shift the angle round a bit more.

Its very hard tring to animate with that sodding dress but I'm not going to concede and stick her in coveralls. Yargh.

Feel free to edit my animations if you want, it would certainly help *me,* heh. I'll take your comments and try them out on the animation tomorrow. It's horribly late. Ish.

Posted on 2004-04-11 23:48:51


If you're going ABCADE, then the arms progress smoothly, but there seems to be a gap in animation for the legs, so they appear to miss a frame, and so move too quickly from one position to the next.

For the arms to move smoothly that's Ok, but for the legs to do the same you would need to put the second use of the idle frame later in the sequence, ie ABCDAE. This, or course, mucks up your arm movement. However, the fact that she's wearing a dress makes it easier to chop her legs off below the hemline and rearrange them. :)

Posted on 2004-04-12 14:51:31 (last edited on 2004-04-12 14:52:16)

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