Agg need help! :(
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So I'm coding the sully menus, right? I have the line:

statpane_x[i] = whitespace_chunk + ((ImageWidth(menu_statpane)+whitespace_chunk)*i);

Which throws the error:
Exiting: vc\menu\ Unknown variable assignment operator: [

And I'm all like "...what? I've used arrays to great effect elsewhere in this codebase!"

I'm just a bit peeved. I can't figure this one out. It's probably something trivial and dumb, but it's got my goat.

Any ideas?

(Yes, statpane_x is an array.)

Posted on 2004-05-05 21:57:55


i always get incompetent error messages when i use that many parentheses. maybe try tempvars

Posted on 2004-05-05 22:32:19


are you sure you didnt goof the line before it? that'll cause unreasonable errors

Posted on 2004-05-05 23:00:16


Turns out it was due to a bad #include order. I was using a #define in the array declaration that wasn't #included until after the array was declared.

I wish the compiler would catch things like that. Shouldn't the undeclared token be invalid? :(

Posted on 2004-05-06 10:21:34

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