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It seems that I have picked the wrong weekend to become interested in Verge and join this community. I've just experienced the following problems with the site:

  1. The download for the most recent version of Verge seems to be broken. When I tried the download now link the next page threw a few php errors. I tried a few of the other games that were linked from the front page and those downloaded just fine. Please let me know if it is working again or if there is somewhere else I can get the file.

  2. I registered a new account, and the confirmation email link failed. No php errors this time, it just told me that the link hadn't worked right.(edit) After a few minutes I recieved an email telling me that registration had been completed after all and looking at it now it appears to have logged me in.

  3. I tried logging in just to see what would happen and it threw another host of php errors at me.

  4. This new site is rather firefox unfriendly. On the front page the center column is compressed into a space that isn't more than about 150px wide

I just thought I would let you know the errors I encounted. I'm looking forward to getting to work with Verge and chat with all of you about my project.


Posted on 2005-08-14 13:36:15 (last edited on 2005-08-14 13:40:19)


Well, yeah...

That's the result of the server being ported to another host, a few things got broken on the way, especially the file section. And the layout is still being worked out.

McGrue is having trouble finding what's causing Firefox to break what appears to be valid CSS, and says you'll get a 'tasty biscuit' if you can spot what's causing it. He also stated that he hadn't got around to testing the updated sign up system.

So you'll probably just have to wait a bit longer for things to be normal again. But it's always nice to see another face in the community!

Posted on 2005-08-14 15:28:26


Also, just to add to what Overkill said: If the breakage in Firefox is making it hard to read, trying refreshing. It usually works properly after a refresh or two.

I promise that this problem is getting looked at. By eyes.

... Er, yeah.

Posted on 2005-08-14 16:36:58


I am an idiot.

Orion, is your copy of firefox rendering properly now? Mine is.

Also, about the other terrible, horrible, no-good errors... well, I made a lengthy newspost this morning. Have you seen it?

Posted on 2005-08-14 17:16:55


The main board page is a bit wonky, but it might be the threadmoving error from back before the move. I'm just posting everywhere in case that's the problem.

Posted on 2005-08-15 00:48:14


It was a different, known issue that has come up before.

Posted on 2005-08-15 18:04:17


Looks fine in Firefox for me now. Thanks!

Posted on 2005-08-15 18:30:12



Man, there's a lot to do still with the site, though...

Posted on 2005-08-15 19:45:46



Posted on 2005-08-26 02:01:41


You are allowed to anonymously donate me monies to fuel the development of the site as easily as you are allowed to anonymously me-too in with no real input!

Just fyi, mister anonyman.

Posted on 2005-08-26 02:33:15


Huh... Didn't anon posters have a sig that gave their IP, before the move?

Posted on 2005-08-26 12:24:50


It didn't give their IP signature, actually. It said 'I am anonymous. If I have been bad, please report me, for my IP has been recorded' or something along those lines.

Posted on 2005-08-26 16:05:58


Their IP is still recorded, too.

Posted on 2005-08-30 12:53:17

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