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I needed camera to be set to not follow, so I tried to do it the V2 way:



It outputs the error:

"Exiting: Unknown HVAR0 (41):

OVK_ShooterLoop -"

So, how do I cancel camera following and make the xwin and ywin be controlled by my code, not by verge's internal script?

Posted on 2004-04-09 03:19:22


I dont think that's been implemented yet

Posted on 2004-04-09 03:24:08


Well, I suppose I can work around it, but shooters usually don't force the player to be centered in the screen. But, if it's still workable like that, it's still cool.

Posted on 2004-04-09 04:23:51


v3 isn't a fully useable engine yet. Yet they want us to compo! They weren't kidding when they said we'd have balls of steel....

Posted on 2004-04-09 04:44:30


cancel that, problem solved

Posted on 2004-04-09 05:39:06 (last edited on 2004-04-09 06:58:21)


Well, I didn't actually realize Grue was going to do the compo when I released this engine. ^_^
... which is my own fault since he had obviously announced it. Just a bit of miscommunication. I probably would've asked him to hold off if I had remembered. Bleh, oh well.

Posted on 2004-04-09 13:02:16

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