Changing the map and continuing the code
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Thanks for the help on the tile changer, but I have found another problem (not with your suggestions, but with my planning). I want this to be a stand-alone program, with the map files copied into the same folder, but the way I understand it, FileWriteMap() works on the current map, and the only way (I know) to switch that is to use Map(), and that stops my code. I want to know if it is possible to either:
  • Switch to a map without stopping the code.
  • Discover and change the startup function of a map, before switching to it.
I would prefer to do one of these two things, but if they are impossible, I will just have the user set the startup function manually.

Also, is it possible to find the number of layers in a map without running through the RenderString (like a curmap.layers variable)?

Posted on 2010-01-24 19:45:15


As it stands, there isn't a way to prevent Map() from killing the active script in VC, and there isn't a way to intercept a startup event. So for now, I'd recommend just ask the user the to do it. Sorry :( If one of the other developers has time to add it, then maybe one of these could see an appearance someday.

The number of layers has no variable exposed to scripts, sadly. So you'll have to settle for using TokenCount/GetToken with "," as a delimiter, and counting any entries other than "E" and "R" in the rstring.

Posted on 2010-01-27 01:23:42

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