CHRMAK not running
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The CHRMAK isn't running. Is there something else I need up to run it or whatever. As in, I was trying to run Verge.exe, but it just loaded up then went away. I then figured out that you had to write the code first in the System file thing (u get me). I thought that Verge.exe was where you wrote the code. Do you have to do something like that.

You know, this is getting kinda embarrasing. I posted 3 help posts in a row. Is that normal, or is it just me. This was kinda random, I know but just wondering. (Don't have to answer if you don't want to.)

Posted on 2007-12-14 23:21:04 (last edited on 2007-12-14 23:22:48)


Check out the documentation for CHRMAK, accessible from the docs section of the website. Better yet, if you don't like command line conversion tools with plantext config files use VOpenCHR instead, it's an actual editor. It's listed on the sidebar for reference. If you read my newer tutorial, it explains how to import sprites into VOpenCHR, editing them is fairly straightforward, and I believe you can figure it out if you have any experience with drawing programs whatsoever.

Posted on 2007-12-14 23:28:19

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