Code error question, new guy question.
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Hello, new guy here...I've been following Rysen's tutorial to a 'T' I believe...and I am at the part where I set the 'MapInit' on and the run verge, which I believe is supost to take me to run on the map, butI get an error that says 'tutorial(vc)1: no matching braket' i'm not sure where i've screwed up.

Posted on 2005-02-09 23:12:20


I suggest the following ----

open up verge.cfg

add the line vcverbose 1

save the file

run verge again - once it causes the error and
closes there will be a new file called vcc_verbose.txt
Open that file in a text editor - scroll all the way down
-- the last line tells u in which function the error has happened.

Start searching around that area for a missing bracket - semi-colon - quote - who knows. ..

Posted on 2005-02-09 23:59:08


Alright...Tried that..and when I check on vcc_verbose.txt, I get this:

'Constructing VCCompiler object... Done.
func autoexec found with 0 args and shit.
Compiling sysvc_global_initializers ->>>>
finished compiling globalinitializers
compiling function autoexec ->>>>
Finished compiling function autoexec

So I'm assuming there is no flaws in my code, unless i've missed something, and I still get the same no bracket error.

Posted on 2005-02-10 11:10:41


Make sure that every function you declare has parentheses after it.

void autoexec()

void MapInit()

Make sure that every function's code is surrounded by brackets.

void autoexec()


void MapInit()

There are only one or two functions in the tutorial, so this shouldn't be too hard. Also, make sure you don't have any EXTRA brackets, as that might do funky stuff too.

Posted on 2005-02-10 12:57:48 (last edited on 2005-02-10 12:58:08)


Now I see what I screwed up...thanks for help!

Posted on 2005-02-10 13:28:21


Please remember to indent your code. It will save you lots of bracket trouble.

Posted on 2005-02-10 18:37:48

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