Compressing .mods, Mouse Control
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Hey all! I'm working on a little demo/game, and I just have a couple of questions:

Firstly, is there any way to compress .xm files, beyond simply zipping them up? I've found one that's perfect but it's over a megabyte. Most of that is in a couple of really long, 16 bit samples. I've tried downsampling them, but that ruins the song as played in Verge3 (it sounds fine in Modplug Player tho; must be better resampling).

Secondly, I'm wondering how to do mouse control with Verge. For that you need the deltas each frame, not the position. I've tried holding the cursor at a fixed position, and then measuring how far it's moved away from that position each frame before moving it back. This works fine in windowed mode, but in fullscreen mode it causes the player to rotate constantly. I'm guessing the engine internally sets the mouse position to (0, 0)?


-- torin

Posted on 2004-02-21 16:55:52


V3 has changed sound sytems and is now using FMOD (there will be an exe released this weekend).

There is a tool for FMOD which converts XMs to 'OXM', which consists of compressing the samples in the XM via OGG. FMOD can play that format.

You can get oggmod here.

Posted on 2004-02-21 17:38:38

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